MRBS Language Support Each "lang.*" file (in the web/lang/ directory) contains the text strings for a language. Not all of these files are complete. Note that MRBS always reads a reference file (which defaults to "lang.en") first, before reading another language file. Porting MRBS to another language is relatively easy. From the Admin page, you will see "Your browser is set to use "xx" language". If no "lang.xx" file is available, copy "lang.en" to "lang.xx" (replace xx with the code you found in Admin), and then edit the file to change the English strings to your language. For example, you might change: $vocab["gototoday"] = "Go To Today"; to: $vocab["gototoday"] = "gehe zum heutigen Tag"; You will then find that MRBS starts to use your language file automatically. If you are having trouble getting this to work, see the language section of If you would like to complete or improve an existing language file, the "checklang.php" script included in the distribution can help. Copy this to your web server area. Now use your browser to access: http://your-host-and-dir/checklang.php?lang=xx (where "xx" is the code of the language file you want to check). This will report missing or untranslated strings in "lang.xx" compared to "lang.en". If you omit the parameter and access: http://your-host-and-dir/checklang.php you will see the results of checking all available language files. If you do create or improve a language file, please post a message about it on the mailing list, so it can be included in future releases. Thanks! Important note: You should not use any HTML entities in the translation other than . If you need to use any other characters you should just encode those characters in utf-8.